“PMIX” introduces the “S” series pan mixer, which is made of SS 304/ SS 316 materials and is ideal for powder mixing applications. PMIX manufactures and supplies detergent powder pan mixer machines, which are used in the detergent industry to prepare “free-flowing” detergent powders. Low power consumption, time, and labor savings are among its advantages.
Having a machine pan and wall of height the whole pan is fitted on a heavy-duty structure. Blades are fitted in such a way that the maximum bottom area is covered. All blades overlap each other to ensure that no material is left unground. The mixing assembly are running on a bearing assembly housing with a sealing arrangement to prevent damage, driven by oil filled specially design heavy duty different types of gearboxes and powdered by As per the model, an electric motor complete with a starter & control panel drives the main shaft to the gearbox by V-Belt pulley as well as direct drive. S series pan mixers are suitable for industrial powder mixing or blending.
S Series Models
- PM 100 S
- PM 120 S
- PM 135 S
- PM 150 S
- PM 165 S